"Coppicing at Burrator Reservoir"-25th January 2015

 Everyone got to practice their "TIMBER!!!!" this week as we headed up 
to Burrator Reservoir for a day of 'Coppicing' with 

The woodland site on the edge of the reservoir in need of Coppicing

But Wait! What is Coppicing you say? 

Well allow us to provide you with short explanation.

(Please Note this definition was highly abbreviated from a much more detailed explanation provided by the lovely Emily of South West Lakes Trust (Glasses and Ponytail)...oh and Chris of PEA...(Wearing a lovely knitted hat!)

Coppicing: Coppicing short and simply is a forest maintenance process of cutting down small trees to stumps of about a foot high off the ground.

 This cutting of the tree encourages multiple new shoots to sprout from the stump, which after few years result in bigger and fuller trees which yield far more resources. 

Before becoming lumberjacks for the day though-(Insert Comedic Lumberjack Song here)
Our volunteers needed fuelling with ample amounts of tea and biscuits!

Some were shocked to discover however, that a pack of 
(NON SPECIFIC BRAND) Chocolate Digestives
 had come down with an unfortunate a case of...
 'The Melties'

Whilst others decided to make the most of the situation...

Fuelled with triple layer biscuits and far too much tea we all finally set to work...

Some had major sugar rushes...

The art of Co-operation & Teamwork was crucial for today...

I mean someone's gotta take your new Facebook profile picture right?...

We all got into the swing of it though-Swing? Axes? Lumberjack?- And most people were quite productive throughout the morning...

When we could resist the urge to take 'Selfies'....
"Yellow suits you Esther..."

As well as cutting down the trees, part of our work was also to construct a natural fence barrier with the cut material to prevent deer from feeding on the future tree stump saplings...and people like us trampling all over them...

It also looks very nice too!

Burrator Reservoir is a beautiful spot of Dartmoor  and is a perfect place practice your photography skills...




Ugh...*Ahem*...Yes um...Lets move on...

The Natural Material Hedge (Barrier) really took shape over the course of the day.

It's quite amazing what a group of keen people can do with 
a couple hours to spare on a Sunday...

All too soon as always though, the day was over, and with our work done,
 we all gathered for the routine 'Group Photo!' 

Big hello to Emily hiding behind the camera....

So how did our Project Manager feel the day went...
Well as they say: 
"A Picture says a Thousand words..."

Michael Gamble-PEA Team

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